It's been a while since I last wrote random thoughts here. I haven't told you what's going on with me in the past year. And hey, what's up? In that one year, I experienced happiness, sadness, anger, excitement, and hope that led me to became a deep person. Deep in the sense of I did what I love. I'm a college student and dealing with many activities is hard to handle. Here are some ways how I handled all of the busy stuff:
- Honestly Do What You Love
I love all the things that makes me happy. I love travelling, I love going out with my friends, I love serving the Lord in our community and I love being with my family. We like all stuff that make us happy, right? Pondering about this idea, a lot of memories came swarming in. I think it's the message I have always been reminded of.
If you do what you love you will be happy. If you not take things seriously even the smallest detail of it, you'll regret the things that you didn't do.
If you do what you love you will be an inspiration to others. For them, seeing that you're happy with what you're doing boost them in doing what they love.
Doing what you love will make you feel better. It's like eating your favorite food and savoring every bit of it.
- Learn How to Say No
"NO" is a big word which most of us is having hard time to utter. Priorities are the reasons that we should learn how to say No. It's my birthday and I decided to celebrate it in our community (YFC) which I will give a talk but the night before it, my dad called and told me that they are mad at me because they felt that I don't like to celebrate my birthday with them. That night I packed my things and went home.
That decision was really bad, but good to know there's such things as "change". Aha! Know your priorities, learn how to say NO.
- Selfless Love
No one can not be happy if you give selfless love. You know deep down in yourself the true essence of love and how to embrace it. You need to be strong and intensely fight being weak to give selfless love.
- Wait!
"I'm not gonna worry
I know that You've got me
Right inside the palm of your hand
Each and every moment
What's good and what get's broken
Happens just the way you plan"
This is a line from a song "Steady by my Heart" by Kari Jobe. Waiting means waiting for the right time to come. And waiting also means to pray.
Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy and my burden is light. -Matthew 11:28-30