Wednesday, January 1, 2014

Happy New Year!

Hola! It's been a while since I posted my last blog. So here it is.. It's the 1st of 365 days. Happy 2014 to ya'll. Before I'll go to sleep and shut down this computer I remembered that I waited for 1 month for this day. So I decided to blog my reflections all about the year 2013. But before that,  lemme share to you the Bible Reflection I just read.


Do you know how big the largest jigsaw puzzle in the world is? It has 24,000 pieces! And you can buy it for 20,000. But you have to pay me for 20,000 to do this puzzle, which I think I'll be able to finish in 300 years. Here's my message: Your past is like a giant jigsaw puzzle- and God is putting the pieces together to make a beautiful picture of your future. But your special Jigsaw puzzle has billions of pieces. And each event in your past is like one piece of the puzzle.

Each piece makes no sense. On its own, it means nothing. It only means something if you put them together. Once you put them together, you say, "Aha!"

There are some pieces that are so dark, you'd wonder, "What use is this particular dark piece?" But each dark piece has a purpose. Without those dark pieces, the puzzle won't be complete.

As God worked in Mary's life, so does He work in ours. Let us allow Him to shape us in a particular way through the circumstances that happen to us. The past year may not have been perfect, but it is  perfect for God's purpose.

-Bo Sanchez

Yes, indeed. The past year may not have been perfect, but it is perfect for God's purpose.

Last night, as 2014 is getting near.. down to only 30 minutes left I go nostalgic again.. and again. Strange feeling that I had. Every memory of 2013 started to come back. All the laughs and tears straight from my heart I felt it all at once. I'm still affected and it hurts me. But I had to keep in mind that another year is about to start and I couldn't always be haunted by the ghosts of 2013.

5.. 4.. 3.. 2.. 1

Happy New Year!
People started to blow their horns and yell, and fireworks began to blow. It was a magical feeling. I've always wanted to see a sky full of lighters. Words can't express how happy I was at that moment. Not because everyone are partying nor because I saw a sky full of magic. But because I'm happy that I've already let go the heartaches.

Adios 2013! You've been very good to me. Cocked, locked and ready to rock! (Lol. Just a cliche tagline) It confuse myself a lot of times, but still I came out strong. Uncovering the devil out of the angel. It was really tough. I've met new people, tried new things, lost old friends, full service to the Lord. Some were expected and some were not. I didn't regret everything that I have done and given. Although most of the time I was taken for granted.

Even though the sun sets in paradise, there are still good things that remained.

Foolishness, heartbreaks, get away, stupidity.. thank you! I'm so grateful that you happened in my life. I knew your purpose! I'm such a strong girl now.

2013 is not just a walk in the park. Hell yeah! It was an adventure!

So.. ready or not here I am to embrace 2014. 
Happy New Year, guys! :)

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